YouTuber Let’s Talk IBD, Maggie Tretton, Shares Her ESENTA™ Story
Wednesday September 14, 2022
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Ever wondered if there was an easier way to beat the heat with an ostomy? Convatec has partnered with YouTuber, Maggie Tretton @LetstTalkIBD who has been living with Crohn’s Disease and a permanent ileostomy for over 12 years to discuss this hot topic.
Ever wondered if there was an easier way to beat the heat with an ostomy? Convatec has partnered with YouTuber, Maggie Tretton @LetstTalkIBD who has been living with Crohn’s Disease and a permanent ileostomy for over 12 years to discuss this hot topic.
After trying Convatec ESENTA™’s Skin Barrier and Adhesive Remover products she has felt less pain when removing her pouch, benefited from faster dry-times after prepping her skin, clean peristomal skin, and increased pouch wear-time. She said “seriously – I haven’t gotten a week out of a wafer since college!” Since using ESENTA™, Maggie thinks less about her ostomy and more about how she can enjoy the summer. She has floated down a river for two hours and visited a local botanical garden in the pouring rain with confidence and without worrying about the condition of her skin or if her wafer will stick to her. Learn why Maggie has picked ESENTA™ to be part of her ostomy skin care routine in this video Surviving Summer with a Stoma | Skin Irritation, Dehydration, & More.*
Request a free sample of ESENTA™ today.
*The views expressed in this video are Maggie's and not those of Convatec's