Top ten tips for getting and staying active after stoma surgery

If you have a stoma it doesn’t mean you can’t be active. The word active can mean something different to everyone - you should find the right level to suit you. Don’t forget to check your suitability with your healthcare professional before undertaking any type of physical activity.

You shouldn’t feel pressured into doing any activity you don’t feel comfortable with. Whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, taking a stroll down the beach or going to the gym, there’s so much you could do.

Here are some top tips on how you can start to get active with a stoma:

#1. Little and often is best

Try ‘movement snacks’ throughout the day. Avoid long periods of sitting by setting an alert to remind you to move.

#2. Find yourself a fitness buddy

Stay motivated. Arrange to meet a friend for a walk or jog, a ‘fitness buddy’ makes exercise fun.

#3. Count your steps

Invest in an activity tracker to monitor daily steps. It can be a real eye opener!

#4. Start slowly

Re-think your relationship with exercise. You don’t need to do too much too soon. Keep it all relatively gentle, don’t push yourself too hard.

#5. Make exercise a priority

Think about exercise as another type of therapy or medicine. Make it a priority in your life like you would any other medical appointment.

#6. Exercise anywhere, and everywhere!

The gym isn’t necessary to get fit. Jobs around the house are great ways of getting active. Whether it’s doing the hoovering or spending time in the garden, find something that works for you.

#7. Little things make a big difference

Try and introduce exercise into everything you do. Even if it’s taking the stairs when you can or parking further away from the shops, they really can make a big difference over time.

#8. Join a club or fitness class

Research to find out what classes are available locally. Be brave, step out of your comfort zone and give it a try. You may surprise yourself!

#9. Think outside of the box

The NHS recommend a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week to stay healthy. There’s lots of things you can do to achieve this, whether it be running, hiking, walking, or even mowing the lawn, everything helps.

#10. Find the right exercise for you

Try and find an exercise you enjoy doing. Even if it may feel like a struggle at times, just focus on how much you enjoy feeling better afterwards.

There are so many reasons why getting active can be so beneficial if you have a stoma. Have a read of our blog on the ‘Importance of Getting and Staying Active with a Stoma’ to find out more.

Still not sure how to get started?

Do you want to start getting active but still don’t feel fully comfortable? If so, you can call one of our Nurse Advisors on 0800 441 763, Monday to Friday.

Sign up for the ConvaTec me+™ Program for a range of free professional advice and support materials including:

✔️ Our ‘Guide to Healthy and Active Living After Stoma Surgery’.

✔️ Access to the me+™ Recovery activity and movement programme.

✔️ Join the me+™ Community and hear inspiring stories from others living with a stoma

✔️ A whole host of lifestyle advice and support delivered on-line and in booklets you can keep to hand.



Physical activities with a stoma

With your healthcare professional's permission, you can return to most sports and activities.

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