thomas crawford

Known as Pie Man to his friends, Thomas, 28, lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with his cat Puffin.

For Thomas having a stoma is “like starting a new job, at first you are nervous and scared but with time you learn to adjust and grow, becoming more comfortable, experienced and confident. Then it just becomes a normal day.”

In January 2017 Thomas became ill with Crohn’s Disease, “It hit me like a bus and not just any bus, it was a double decker. My immunosuppressed body was riddled with infection, including sepsis, c diff and flu. My temperature went over 42 degrees and I wasn’t able to speak properly for a couple of days. On top of this I’d lost 4 stone and my ileostomy, or "pork" as I named it, came along and saved my life.”

Thomas joined the me+™ Community team as an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation and to share our story, to encourage and help improve life with a stoma for myself and others.

Thomas describes himself as a lover of life who will try anything, including nearly every sport and hobby available - fishing, hiking, skydiving, running, road cycling, keeping fit in the gym and mixed martial arts. When he can sit still long enough Thomas likes to unwind by playing his guitar or xbox. He also has a passion for languages speaking French and Spanish fluently.


I’m still me. It’s nothing to be afraid of and it has given me a second chance at life which I'm going to take full advantage of
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