Lady with sore skin holding her stomach

Can changing your stoma bag product help tackle sore skin?

It seems like a simple solution, but for many bag wearers it doesn’t even cross their mind that changing their pouch solution is even an option when tackling sore skin. Sore and irritated skin can be caused by many different issues from allergies, care routines to body changes and more commonly - output leakage. These can occur at any stage of a bag wearers journey with their stoma, however often they can occur in the first year as the wearers body is changing.

What causes leakage?

We asked Caroline Rudoni, Medical Affairs Manager for ConvaTec to explain. She said: "The changes in the stoma’s size in the first weeks after surgery vary by person, but often as the skin settles down and any swelling subsides, stomas can reduce in size too. If this occurs gaps become larger between the stoma and the adhesive. Output can then make contact with the skin causing irritation."

How do I know if my irritation could be down to output contacting my skin?

There are some tell-tale signs to look for. The skin around your stoma might be pinky red, generally feel sore and will likely be moist. When you remove the bag, you may see output on the back of the adhesive.

Charlie's story

Charlie from ConvaTec’s me+™ Advocate Team experienced this issue. As the soreness began almost immediately she left hospital, she like others, felt it was a normal reaction to her stoma.  She said: "My skin was sore, moist and bleeding. It was like a vicious circle. I would get leaks, which meant my skin got sore from the output being next to it and that soreness made it harder to get a bag to stay on. This meant more leaks."

As a new mum this understandably made coping with her stoma even more difficult. She said: "I thought life was never going to be the same. I couldn’t go out anywhere with the baby without being afraid the bag was going to leak. Wearing anything tight like jeans was a no-no as that increased the chance of a leak. I just wanted to concentrate on being a mum, not worrying about bags and leaks."

How switching products can help with sore skin

The solution for Charlie was as simple as changing products. A relative who has a stoma recommended Charlie try ConvaTec’s Mouldable Technology™. She requested a free sample from the ConvaTec Product Team and was overjoyed with the results. She said: "It was an instant win. I didn’t expect much from the samples, I just thought leaks were something to put up with, so I was shocked and amazed at how well they worked.

"I can go out without worrying and eat without panicking. It really has been life changing."

How does ConvaTec Mouldable Technology™ work?

The great thing about Mouldable Technology™ is it is so easy to use. It provides a snug fit between the stoma and adhesive. And it does this without needing templates or having to measure or cut the baseplate.

Mistakes in cutting and measuring can lead to the stoma bag not fitting correctly. But ConvaTec’s Mouldable Technology removes that risk. It also provides a custom and secure fit for every person.

This technology can be helpful for lots of people living with a stoma. A stoma can change size over time, but ConvaTec Mouldable Technology™ reacts to any changes in your stoma size and shape. This should reduce the potential for leakage and sore skin.

This is something Charlie found too. She said: "My stoma has prolapsed in the past, and can change size quite a lot. I find that the adhesive moves with it and doesn’t cause restrictions, or leave gaps where soreness could start to occur."

If you would like to try ConvaTec Mouldable Technology™ for yourself, call one of our friendly Product Specialists on 0800 441 763, Monday to Fridy

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