Hernia pack resources - pedometer, guides and videos

FREE Resources on Parastomal Hernia

The fear of developing a parastomal hernia, or making one worse, shouldn’t stop you from exercising and doing the things you enjoy. Even if you already have a hernia, it’s really important to be as active as you can and not to fear exercise.

That's why we've created our FREE parastomal hernia resources, featuring a wealth of tips on how to exercise safely and feel more confident about physical activity.

Resources you can access include:
  • Video featuring Clinical Exercise Specialist and ostomate Sarah Russell on exercising with a parastomal hernia.
  • Request your hernia guide, featuring lots of handy tips on reducing the risk of a parastomal hernia and exercising safely with a parastomal hernia.
  • Access our me+ recovery programme, featuring exercises appropriate and ideal for anyone who has a stoma or a parastomal hernia.
  • Get a free pedometer to help you keep track of your exercise regime.
  • PLUS join Sarah Russell as she hosts a Facebook Live on the ConvaTec Stoma UK profile, where she'll be answering all your Parastomal Hernia and exercise related questions!

Acesss your FREE Hernia Resources today!


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Hernia Resources

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