Traveling with a Stoma: What to Pack

Your Travel Packing List

The idea of taking long trips with a stoma can seem daunting. But with a little extra preparation, you can enjoy the trip of a lifetime. Use the list below to help make packing for your next adventure a little easier.

  • Pack Extra Supplies. Make sure you have extra pouches, skin barriers and accessories so you're prepared to change and empty your pouch when needed. If you are flying, be sure to put stoma supplies and a spare change of clothes in your carry-on as well as your checked luggage. 
  • Bring disposable cleansing wipes and disposal bags. Sometimes a pouch change may require a little clean up. 
  • Drink up. Be sure to pack your refillable water bottle so you can stay hydrated. Nothing slows down a vacation more than dehydration.
  • Traveling to a foreign country? It is a good idea to have key questions, such as "where is the bathroom?", written down in the local language. Google Translate is helpful in almost any language.
  • Carry a statement from your healthcare professional stating your need for stoma supplies. 
  • Don't forget to leave your anxiety at home. Travel with confidence. If you have other questions about traveling with your stoma, contact our me+ team for helpful tips, tricks, support and resources. Call 1800 335 276 to speak to someone today, (M-F, 9 AM - 5:00 PM GMT). 

Meet Ryan Decker, 

Experienced Traveler with a Stoma

Although he had developed stomach problems in his late teens, Ryan Decker was otherwise a healthy, active young man. At 26, he was a newlywed, had a great job, and—living in Denver—enjoyed a wide range of outdoor activities. From mountain biking and hiking, to running and ATVing, he and his young bride were just starting their journey together. But things were about to change. 

"There were so many crazy things to deal with in such a short amount of time. I wondered if I’d be able to ever hike, run, travel or sit in a hot tub again. And what about my job?"


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